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Video / Zanimivo / Five things everyone should know about Black Snakes (Panterophis alleghaniensis (Black Rat Snake)

Five things everyone should know about Black Snakes (Panterophis alleghaniensis (Black Rat Snake)

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Vrsta: Zanimivo
Ključne besede: Nature at Your Door Frank Taylor, black snake, black rat snake, eastern rat snake, rat snake, Pantherophis alleghaniensis, snake identificaion, how to identify, snake acting like a rattle snake, snake vibrating tail, what it eats, black snake diet, black snake prey, Black snake biology, Black snake climbing, snakes that climb trees, common snakes, ectotherm, cold-blooded, reptile, black snake body temperature, home school, education, biology education, life science education, teaching resource
Dolžina videa: 18:02
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