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Video / Zanimivo / larva explained/how to determine sex of chrysalis/and the story of the transformation | Monarch J

larva explained/how to determine sex of chrysalis/and the story of the transformation | Monarch J

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Vrsta: Zanimivo
Ključne besede: Nature at Your Door Frank Taylor, Monarch butterfly, Monarch caterpillar, caterpillar, 5th instar larva, transformation to chrysalis, caterpillar to chrysalis, how to change into a chrysalis, changing to a chrysalis, complete metamorphosis, imaginal cells, imaginal disc, male chrysalis, female chrysalis, how to sex a chrysalis, how to identify male and female chrysalis, J-larva, what is a j-larva, how to identify a j-larva, natural history, biology education, life science education, home school
Dolžina videa: 13:59
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