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Video / Zanimivo / Deciduous tree biology, photosynthesis/xylem/phloem, bark ID, history of and DIY Maple Syrup making

Deciduous tree biology, photosynthesis/xylem/phloem, bark ID, history of and DIY Maple Syrup making

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Vrsta: Zanimivo
Ključne besede: Nature at Your Door Frank Taylor, Maple Tree, Maple syrup, Red maple, Tree ID, How to ID maple trees, Maple syrup making, photosynthesis, xylem, phloem, DIY maple syrup, how to make maple syrup, tree bark, Id tree bark, trees in winter, Winter tree biology, nature in winter, nature activity, nature lesson, nature education, how to maple syrup, biology enducation, biology teaching, home school, home school teaching ideas, native americans and maple syrup, history of maple syrup
Dolžina videa: 06:44
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