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dejw / Zadnja sporočila

dejw - Zadnja sporočila

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dejw17. 07. 2019 23:10:34
Lep pozdrav, kako je kaj pot Dolina Krma - Triglav (čez Planiko in Mali Triglav)? Je še potrebna zimska oprema?

Hvala lepa! :-)
dejw21. 04. 2015 01:02:54
Pršivec z 15. in 16. Aprila. Slike in opis tukaj. Oprostite za angleško, ampak malo govorim Slovensko nasmeh

Another hiking trip during my Erasmus study stay in Ljubljana. This time we visited peak called Pršivec (1 761 m). We started from Stara Fužina around Vogar (not through Vodični vrh) until Koča na Pl. pri Jezeru. We found there winter room/zimsko sobo – HVALA LEPA SLOVENCI! After one night there we went through Viševnik up to Pršivec. Amazing nature, we were first hikers on this path on the top. We spent about 3,5 hours of hiking to the top from Pri Jezeru, because we lost marking and also ourselves for a while. And also due to the snow – it was until ours waists. We found only one record in a book from 8th of April but from opposite direction. We used that direction for our way back – through Voket and Bari until back to Stara Fužina.
dejw1. 04. 2015 19:28:16
Lahko se uprašam - kaškna je pot na Porezen z Cerkna čez Labinjske lehe, Velbnik in Medrce - Slovenska planinska pot? Je v redu? V seznamu poti manjka in ni sou slike . Hvala lepa in se opravičujem za mojo slovenščino, ker sem iz Češke nasmeh LP David
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